
Sion retreats are opportunities for students and attending chaperones to take the time to be mindful of God's presence at work in community, nature and in conversation that encourages all present to discover their personal best and to give it back in gratitude for all that has been received.

The Kairos retreat is an opportunity for junior and senior high school students to grow in knowledge of God, self, and others in a safe, supportive atmosphere--a sanctuary. It is a time in which we prepare a place to be present to each other without the distractions of technology and the business of our daily lives. Kairos offers young women time to share the challenges and blessings of living a faith-filled life. Meal time, prayer with the Benedictine sisters, rest, shared conversation and listening to the stories of peers and adult chaperones can clear a channel for hope to flow freely without the constraints of a busy life with little time for self-reflection, prayer and active listening.